Monday, July 27, 2009

Rainy Days and Mondays

Today is Monday, and today it's raining. It's not a good combination.

Mondays are never fun since it's the first day back to work for most of us. There's something about having to get up and get going after a few days of not having to. At least that's the theory.

In point of fact, my weekends lately have been chock-full. Since mid-June, I've been volunteering every Saturday to try to get my foster kittens adopted. The event runs from 12-3, which pretty much kills the day hours. I get a couple of hours in the morning to do some of the errands that I need to do on a weekend - grocery shopping, dry cleaning, etc. Then I have to pack up the fosters and head to the event. After the event finishes, we have to clean up after the kittens and cats, and put the crates and tables away. Usually, that takes about a half hour or so. By the time I'm home again, it's close to 4. When I don't have fosters and I do this volunteering, then I leave around 3:15 and head straight to the gym - which gets me home by 5 after having worked out. With the kittens, there's no way to do that - I need to bring them home. So assume that it's about 4:30 before I get out for either a run or head to the gym. And home or back from a run 5:30 or 6. By then, the day is pretty much over unless I take a shower - which honestly I only usually do if I have to go out for some reason. If I'm just going home to eat and crash in front of the TV - well, the cats don't care if I'm a little stinky.

So that takes care of most of Saturday. Which leaves Sunday to get all the things done I haven't gotten done on Saturday. But, as yesterday's blog indicated, this past Sunday, I helped my mother. After working out in the morning.

The previous Sunday, I went to the movies in the afternoon. After working out in the morning and then eating lunch.

The Sunday before that, I had other plans.

The bottom line is that my weekends have not been full of sitting on the couch and reading a good book for at least a month.

Sometimes Mondays, even with having to return to work, are actually a nice change of pace!

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