Sunday, February 28, 2010

iPhone Convenience

Just now, about 2 minutes ago, I used my iPhone to order flowers for a colleague who went the extra mile for me this week. Using just an app on my iPhone. While eating dinner. No fuss. No muss. Amazing.

I am also using my iPhone to post this note. Also while I am sitting enjoying dinner at the end of a very long day at the end of a very long week at the end of a very long month. It's a good thing that I can use my iPhone to post to my blog. Otherwise, I would probably post even less frequently. It has become a bit of a habit to post to my blog, sitting in bed right before I crash for the night. The cats curled at my feet. iPhone in hand. Composing my thoughts on the day.

The iPhone isn't perfect. The box in which I write doesn't quite work the same as it does using a normal computer interface. I can't scroll through everything I have written for example. If the post is long enough to go below one "screen" of the box on the iPhone, then I can only scroll and make changes on the one screen I can see.

Still there is a convenience factor to the iPhone that cannot be denied. I can order flowers with my iPhone. I can post to facebook. I can check my personal email. There are many, many apps that I don't even know about!

Perhaps such technology is not quite so amazing to the younger generation who grew up with cell phones, the Internet, and 24x7 connections. But to those of us who are a little older, the changes still astound. When I first started working, I used a Wang word processor and it was clunky at best. My first job after college, my bosses were amazed and gratified that we got a fax machine so they could send me documents to type up for them from the road. There was no such thing as laptops. Cell phones. Internet. Email.

So yes I am amazed that I can sit here in a restaurant in Atlanta and buy flowers for my colleague via my iPhone. And post about it to my blog.

Convenience. It's a beautiful thing.

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