Monday, May 3, 2010

Working From Home Stinks

I am, at heart, an introvert in the strictest definition of the term. That is, I get reenergized, not from being around people, but from being by myself. At the end of a long work day, I want nothing more than to sit on my couch, eat what I want to eat for dinner, watch what I want to watch on TV, and snuggle up with my fur children. The fact that there are no other humans in my home is usually a good thing.

That being said, I could not do this working from home thing full time. I've been working from home since last Thursday. Our offices are moving, and the move hasn't been completed yet. So the staff that's usually together in the office isn't together.

There are days when I'm working on something and everyone else is working on their things, and there's not much interaction amongst us. And that's fine.

But today, we have a deadline to get something completed. And not being able to see each other and being isolated in my home is not a good thing. In fact, it's a very bad thing.

I have heard much speculation as to whether working from home makes one more productive or less productive. In my experience, most of those discussions center on whether the person working at home is distracted by the home environment - kids, laundry, etc. I'm sure that affects productivity significantly. But for me, today, my productivity in working from home is not affected by me or any home distractions. Rather I am affected by the fact that I cannot walk into my colleagues' office and find out what's going on. Nor has anyone been responding to email. And only limited response to phone calls.

So today, right now, in this moment, working from home stinks.

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