Last night, at close to midnight, long after I had gone to sleep, a light came on. Randomly. Strangely.
I have said many times that I'm a really light sleeper. My usual way of describing how light a sleeper I am is to say that my cats wake me up when they walk in the room. Sad, but true.
But you know what? My new description is going to be that a light turned on down the hall woke me up.
Woke me up and scared me to death. How could a light just turn itself on? Was there someone in my house? But if someone was in my house, why would they turn on a light? Not logical. But in the night, when woken up from sleep, the rationality of that escaped me. Instead, I was convinced there was someone in the house. If not, why did the light come on?
Are there some kind of timers? Motion sensors? I still have no idea why the light came on. Scary.
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