Sunday, August 15, 2010

Work-Life Balance?

Does it count as good work-life balance that I got the last of my new furniture delivered, hung the pictures in my living room, unpacked the rest of my books, and worked out both days on the same weekend that I worked most of each day? Probably not.

We've been working on a significant project at work. It required most of us to work a fair amount of the weekend. I didn't work as much as some, but I did work for several hours on Saturday and again on Sunday. I was only supposed to work on Sunday, but it turned out that the lead on the project wanted to put in her input on my part of the project. So she came over on Saturday and then I implemented her ideas. Then Sunday was spent doing the things I had agreed to do on Friday.

At the same time, my new couch was delivered on Saturday. It's beautiful, and I am very happy with it. It was the last new piece that I needed to have all my rooms completed. Yea! While I was waiting for the delivery guys - who of course had given me a 4-hour window for delivery - I hung the pictures that I had had framed a couple of weeks ago. I had run out early on Saturday morning to get the level that I needed to complete that task. With seven pictures, it was critical that they were spaced the same and lined up in parallel. I finished hanging the last picture just as the delivery guys showed up. Good timing. Then tonight, I unpacked the last of the boxes - four boxes of books. That means that I am officially done with my move.

Productive weekend. Time for bed.

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