Thursday, December 10, 2009

Just When You Think Your Life Sucks...

I was feeling picked on today. I hit a pothole with my left front tire yesterday, and my alignment is all screwed up now. I have a cold. My home phone stopped working on Tuesday. And my job situation is not what I thought it would be. Poor, poor pitiful me.

Perspective. I just got an email from a friend about a mutual friend. This mutual friend's life sucks even worse than mine. In ways that are unimaginable. And makes me feel as though any complaints I might have are silly and ridiculous. That I should count my blessings and move on.

First, his wife was laid off. It's been several months now, and she's had several interviews but no offers. They live in North Carolina and there are not a whole lot of jobs in their area.

Second, he's in danger of being laid off himself. He's been told that he's at risk. I've sent his resume to everyone I know. But the market is tight.

Now, yesterday, his stepson (his wife's child) was in a car accident. The stepson is not expected to survive.

So now my cold, my car, my phone - all pale in comparison.

Just when you think your life sucks....someone else's sucks even more.

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