We had 6 cats in cat world today, no kittens. Four of the "cats" were essentially kittens - under 1 year old that is. The other two were 2 years old, so still young.
As sometimes happen in cat world, we had one human volunteer per cat. That's really too many. It makes it hard for the people who might be interested in a cat to "get through". The space we have in the store for the cats is small, so too many people makes things crowded. The other challenge we have is the dog volunteers with their dogs coming by. You don't want to be rude, but when we have cats who don't like dogs - as we did today - it makes those cats not "show" well. But we don't want to impair the volunteer process for them either. It's a tough line to walk - allowing the cats to shine without making it more difficult for any of the shoppers in the store.
It also snowed today. That always makes things more difficult because it reduces the number of people who come to the store in the first place, not to mention coming by to see the cats.
No cats were adopted. Tough day.
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