Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Cardio Vs. Non-Cardio

I came late to exercising. I pretty never exercised until I was almost 30. I did a little running, but not really enough to get in shape. As I was about to turn 30, I decided that I really needed to get in some kind of shape. I took up tae kwon do, and I quickly became addicted to it. I went from never working out to going to class 4-5 times a week. Within 3 years, I had my first degree black belt, and 4 years later, I got my second.

Along the way, I joined a gym. Part of the second degree black belt test was a physical fitness test. I was still heavier than I should have been, and I needed to develop endurance. So I worked out at the gym, I ran occasionally, I took class, and I taught class.

All of this was cardio.

A couple of years ago, a friend of mine started teaching a class at my gym that is a combination of pilates and yoga. I went a few times to support her, and I really liked it. It was similar to tae kwon do in requiring strength and balance, but didn't feel like it was beating up my joints as much. And yet, I couldn't get past the feeling that a non-cardio workout just wasn't going to keep me in shape.

Tonight I took a power yoga class. Straight yoga - no pilates. And a harder class than the hybrid one is because most of the people there have taken yoga for a while. And tomorrow or the next day, I am going to be sore. It feels like it was a really serios non-cardio workout.

Cardio vs. non-cardio? Why not both?

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