Monday, August 30, 2010

Audacious Goals

A friend of mine just finished biking across the country. On a regular bike, not a motorcycle. He's a longtime cyclist and does an annual bike trip in Maine to raise money for the American Lung Association. In memoriam of his father-in-law, and because he was hitting 50, he decided to bike across the country before his birthday. He made it a fund-raising event and raised thousands of dollars. He also kept a blog of the ride, including pictures from the road. It was quite amazing to his progress. I was amazed that anyone could ride a bike that far, much less at 50!

Today, I read about another person's quest. This guy is a contributor to Anderson Cooper's 360 online. His goal is to travel to every country in the world. When I first started reading about his adventures, I assumed he was my age - middle age. In fact, he's 32. And planning to complete his quest of 192 countries by 36. Amazing. He too is keeping a blog of his quest. And the end of each of his entries is an entreaty for each of us to have an audacious goal.

So here is my audacious goal. In keeping with Mark's goal and Chris' entreaty, I am going to set a goal of writing a book by the time I'm 50. My dad has written two since he turned 80. Seems only reasonable for me to try. Right? And maybe I'll even blog about the experience / challenge.

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