Saturday, January 30, 2010

Am I Down Two Lives?

Today, in the snow, I did a 180 on the way to the highway. There was no one coming, and so no harm, no foul. But it was a little disconcerting to end up facing the wrong way at the curve in the road. I was afraid that someone would come around the bend expecting to get a clear path onto the highway, and find my car in the way. Whether they would have been able to stop in time is a question that I'm glad I didn't have to answer. It took me a 6-point turn to get facing in the right direction, mostly because I didn't want to go to far onto the shoulder with the snow and all.

This isn't the first time I've done a 180 in my car. Even that particular car. In 2007, I did a 180 because my tire blew out. In the middle of rush hour. On the four lane highway. I stopped and watched the cars coming at me. Just in case you were wondering, time really does slow down when you're in danger. I remember very distinctly seeing the cars coming, even though they were driving about 50 MPH. And yet, everyone either managed to go around me or stop in front of me. Not only that, but someone on the right of me stopped so that I could back up onto the shoulder. It was amazing really.

If I were a cat, I would say I'd used up two lives. As it is, I will count my blessings and sleep well tonight.

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