Friday, July 17, 2009

Made It Through the First Week

Well, that doesn't sound very positive, doesn't it? Perhaps the verb needs to change. Or the preposition? Let's try this again. "Wrote through the first week"? No. Maybe no verb or preposition is the way to go. "A Week of Blogs". Yes, that works better.

It's been a week of blogs. There have been a few nights when I thought, "well, I won't write today..." But I'm afraid if I stop, skip even one day, it will be too easy to stop all together. After all, no one is prompting me to do this. No one is even reading this blog, except me of course, I don't think. At least I'm not getting any comments and I don't have any followers.

But I want to be disciplined about this. I want to keep it up. I want to keep practicing my writing. Because I want to convince myself that I can write something longer than a blog. As I said in my first blog, I would like to write a book. Or a collection of essays.

I've been talking about writing a book for years. I've even started a couple. On this very computer is a layout of a series of essays that I have been thinking about writing. And haven't yet. Obviously.

The other day I was talking to a colleague about turning 50. I decided that I would try to get a book together in time for my 50th birthday. It's a goal to work towards. I'm almost 47 now. So that's 3 years. 3 years to get the discipline to write every day (or almost every day) about something more than just the thoughts off the top of my head. It seems like a goal that I can achieve. If I get disciplined about writing.

So for now, I will be happy to have "made it though the first week."

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