Thursday, February 11, 2010


I'm feeling very discombobulated.

First, I've been working from home most of this week. Which causes me to confuse whether it's a working day or a weekend day. I don't very often work from home. If I do, it's more often than not because I have to work on a weekend. So whenever I have my laptop at home and I'm working, my brain assumes it's a weekend. But this week...this week it was part of a Monday, then Tuesday and Wednesday. That's a lot of time to be confused about the day of the week.

Second, I've been stuck in the house a lot lately. We've had more snow than normal for DC. I was supposed to get my hair cut on January 30, a Saturday. The snow started to fall about 11 am. By the time I went out to try to get to the salon, there was an inch or two of snow on the ground. On my way there, I did a 180 on the entrance ramp and then there was an accident on the highway. So I turned around and came home. And stayed home for the rest of the day. Then, this past weekend, on Saturday again, February 6, we got even more snow. Last I measured in my front yard, I had 26". After shoveling for several hours on Saturday evening, I was able to go to the gym on Sunday and then went to work on part of Monday. I left early on Monday and came home to work because I wanted to get home before the roads refroze. Then Tuesday, the snow started again. From Monday late afternoon till this morning about 10, I was home. With the exception of shoveling snow, I was inside.

Third, I got a cold. Somehow on Saturday or Sunday, I got a cold. I'm not entirely sure how the germs could live in the cold, but then did. So on top of working from home, which I'm not used to - and being stuck inside the house, which is always strange - I've been on cold medicine. I'm not a fan of taking medicine. And cold medicine has a tendency to make me a little loopy.

And so I'm discombobulated.

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