Sunday, November 1, 2009

It Takes All Breeds

Just like those we seek to help, the animal rescue world is full of different breeds.

The Saint Bernards - The ones who search and rescue for the abandoned and at-risk cats and dogs that need a chance to find a new home and a new life.

The Border Collies - The dog and cat captains who help corral all the other volunteers.

The Golden Retrievers - The volunteers who are eager to please and therefore sometimes have a hard time saying no.

The DSH - The volunteers who just do their jobs, get it done, no fuss, no muss.

The Siamese - The volunteers who whine and complain about being at events.
The Jack Russells - The volunteers who mean well but are high maintenance.
The Airedales - The fosters who take in the strays and give them a home away from a shelter, a chance for some peace and quiet, and one-on-one attention.

The Dobermans - The management of the rescue organization who protect the animals and the volunteers.

And just as in the animal world, it takes all kinds to make a volunteer animal rescue work. includign the mixed breeds who exhibit some of the tendencies of more than one.

We treasure them all. Because they are giving of their time and energy. Because they make the sacrifices and spend the hours. Because they care.

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