Saturday, October 17, 2009

A Better Day

My father is out of the hospital. I talked to him earlier today, and he seems in good spirits but short of breath. That makes me nervous. On the other hand, he didn't get much rest in the hospital last night. And he did have surgery yesterday. So maybe I shouldn't be that concerned. But I'm going to go out to their home tomorrow. That will give me a good chance to evaluate the situation in person. I'm hopeful, but as I said, still nervous.

I had a good day otherwise. I found some wine glasses for my mother - in a style that we have used for a while but needed a few more of. I found a present for my buddy Kevin, whose birthday is at the end of the month. I bought a new cordless phone that has two extensions. The salesman told me that I could program the phone so that it doesn't use the built-in answering machine. Which was really quite easy to do. The extension phone worked immediately after it was plugged in - something that didn't happen with the phone I had previously. That extension phone did not work. Ever. I got a couple of silver rings, discounted because there hadn't been much business today. I picked up some eye moisturizer that should last me through the dryness of the winter. Finally, I got more kitten and cat food - so I'm stocked for the duration of kitten-dom. All in all, a good shopping excursion.

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